Do You Have A Book Inside You?



What if I could help you Go from "Blank Page" to Author in 12 weeks?

Plus boost your success with my ChatGPT AI formula for your compelling hook, title and outline?

Ready to turn your dream of writing your book into reality?

Showcase your story and unique method of helping clients

1) Your book will help you

  • Stand-out like shiny Unicorn in a sea of Sameness... with Visibility and Authenticity

  • Sparkle with Clarity and Confidence about what you do and why you do it

  • Become magnetic to raving fan Clients who tell others about you

  • Finally explode your business and cash-flow – while making a difference

2) Clear your Inner Fears and Beliefs

Silence the Saboteurs, that can way lay your book writing journey.

These can be external or more likely internal.

Caryl is a veteran Journey Therapist and longtime trainer of Matrix Reimprinting (using EFT Tapping). Let her help you slay your inner Dragons and manifest your dreams with a book that boosts your business and platform as an expert in your field.

Check out Caroline Dawson's experience with

Write The Book Inside You

Here's What You'll Get!

Caryl Westmore, author of numerous self-help books (like most recent bestseller, The Inner Path of Writing, Make Love not War to the Writer Within), on an exciting 12-week Author Heroine Journey to get your book out of your head and heart - and onto the page. A fast-track way to become a published author.

Each Step is taught in a live class on Zoom one week. Followed by a Writing Hour on Zoom the following week.

Giving you time to process the steps - and then take action with support, accountability and planned time for book writing.

Step 1

Your Author/Hero Journey

  • Setting up for Success.

  • Mind-map your possible topics.

  • Who is your reader (pain/fears/sticking points/dreams/desires)

  • The WHY that drives you.

  • Why Me? Why Now Why not me? Why not now?

Step 2

Get Clarity

  • Book Topic: Intersecting 3P formula (Passion/Past Experience/Proficiency)

  • Your Super-Power.

  • Expectations,intentions, Affirmations.

  • Comparative books

  • Teaching Memoir or Transformational nonfiction?

Step 3

Get Clear

Slay the Fear Dragons

Matrix Reimprinting (using EFT Tapping) and other tools like The Journey to clear the inner blocks re self-belief and mindset hazards.

  • Bonus Video: Intention and Commitment (The 4Cs of Courage)Setting up for Success.

Step 4

Get Focus

Book Hooks

  • Overview - one sticky sentence.

  • Outline - Structure

    Title, Subtitle

  • 10 Chapter headings with brief 200-word summary of each.

  • Table of Contents

  • Introduction

Step 5

Get Going

Book Hooks (continued)

  • One Problem - One Promise

  • 5 Key steps to the Solution

  • Back of book Blurb (description`)

  • Tease, not Teach to spark curiosity to buy your book

  • Software suggestions

Step 6

Keep Going

We dive deeper into:

  • Power of Storytelling

  • Powerful case studies

  • Your Signature System/name for what you do - to get the "Sparkling Unicorn" effect.

  • What's Next

  • Accountability options

  • Support options

*Each module comes with a weekly Zoom call, homework and a PDF file which will be housed in a membership site with a replay of the weekly coaching call


Program cost: £495.00

For a free no-cost Consult

Bonus Section

Time To Overdeliver.

To boost your success getting a fast-track result with writing your book, may these extra bonuses be the wind beneath your wings

Wayne Dyer Secret

How Wayne Dyer created every one of his 40+ books at the outset

5C Author Formula

Writing your book begins with one key step:


Be Visible

Tap away your fear of being “seen and not heard” from childhood.

I am a Success

Transform how you feel about yourself and your ability to succeed.​

I Create Time for Me

Reclaim time to write your book.

My Story Matters

Erase thoughts of worry, shame and embarrassment re sharing your story.​

Overwhelm, be gone

Banish overwhelm - regain clarity and calm.

How to Tap

Familiarise yourself with the EFT Tapping points​

Clear the Way

I create ample time, space and peace to write my book.

Who am I?

Feeling "I am NOT good enough etc to write a book"

And Much, Much More...

Is this Course Right for You?

They say 80% of adults want to write a book. And many other book writing programs are available.But this is a unique specialist program for coaches, healers and therapists on a mission to save the world, or at least spread a message of hope and healing

Who This Is For?

  • Coaches, Healers, The Journey and EFT Tapping Therapists; Hypnotists, Soulpreneurs.

  • You with stories of healing to share (your own and case studies) in a self-help transformational book to change lives.

  • You who have overcome challenges and want to help others by sharing how you did it in what we call a "teaching memoir."

Who This Is Not For?

  • Fiction writers - even if you have a healing theme

  • Business owners who simply want to boost their image with a book as a "calling card".

  • Children's book writers.

About Caryl Westmore

Caryl Westmore’s Super-Power to teach the “Writing the Book inside You” Program is based on her expertise as both a best-selling Amazon self-help author, and many years as a magazine journalist and editor in South Africa. She also has a BA (Hons) English degree.

As a coach, her mission is to help her students and clients to break-free fast from feeling stuck, blast through their blocks, and skyrocket their achievements by writing a book. Her own books showcase her expertise in energy psychology tools like EFT Tapping, Matrix Reimprinting and The Journey (NLP, Hypnosis).



Karl Dawson

EFT-Matrix Reimprinting Master

"I highly recommend Caryl if you want to tap into your dreams and goals in business, life and love - and especially if you want to write that book!"


Tanya De Villiers

EFT Expert

I went from 0 to 8 Amazon books - all thanks to Caryl who helped me break free from past trauma about expressing myself emotionally. When you work with Caryl your life moves fast to manifest your dreams - be prepared!


Tappy Jo Picken

EFT Trainer

Before my one to one meeting with Caryl, I knew that I wanted to get a book published. I didn't know what, how, or even if I was good enough to do it. Suddenly, I have a book being created, an idea, a plan, a way forward, even a deadline! Exciting and wonderful! Thank you!


Rachel Kent


Before my chat with Caryl, I was undecided on what to write about. Caryl helped me get clear on not only exactly what my book would be about but she also made it easy to get started right away.

Program cost: £495.00

For a free no-cost Consult

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